With Franchise Partners Chelsea Theodoropoulos and Tina Hegna
The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit, is the ongoing trend of employees voluntarily leaving their corporate jobs, from spring 2021 to the present, largely in the United States. The resignations have been characterized as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but another factor is burnout. Some teams have been running too hot for too long. The pandemic has changed how some people think about life, work, and what they want out of both. It’s made people step back and rethink their lives. In the last 20 months, we have all been reminded that life is too short.
Gone are the days where the term “entrepreneur” was this unattainable status that was only given to people who got really lucky or had a ton of money to throw around. The beauty of entrepreneurship isn’t in the accolades, the respect, the money, or the status. The beauty is in the hustle, the scrappy, and the know-how. It’s in the resourcefulness to get things done when they seem impossible, and impact others lives in ways you never thought possible. It’s ignoring other people who tell you that you won’t. It’s ignoring yourself when you say “I can’t”
The Burn family is full of inspiring go-getters who have created the life they wanted. Hear from two of our powerful family members and Franchise Partners below as they share their personal stories that led them to take the leap headfirst from the corporate world into being their own business owner.
Chelsea Theodoropoulos, multi-unit Franchise Partner of Burn O’Fallon, MO, Manchester, MO, South County, MO, and Kirkwood, MO and Tina Hegna, Franchise Partner of Burn Maple Grove, MN and more locations coming soon.

What did you do before Burn Boot Camp?
“I started my career in Corporate America and transitioned to small business working for my Husband’s IT Consulting business. The lessons I learned during my time in Corporate have been invaluable and have aided in my small business success.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos
“I am an accountant! I’m excited for this next chapter in my midlife and putting my strengths and dreams together, owning who I am, what I’m about, and daringly sharing it with the world.” Tina Hegna
How does being a business owner compare to working in a corporate environment?
“Impact and freedom. I love being in control of my own destiny and working towards a greater purpose for myself and others. Carrying a “sink or swim” load of responsibility gives more depth and meaning to the work I put in.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos
“I’ve really enjoyed and benefited from learning organizational structure and business foundational elements such as a vision, a mission and a set of values. I have also been trained for well over a decade on all things leadership, and have had incredible exposure to all levels of professionals and Boards of Directors. This experience has given me many skills that I have been able to apply to owning a business and creating these things for my own organization.” Tina Hegna

What does the decision process look like for you to go from owning one location to owning multiple?
“It’s a big decision every time. Expanding is inherently risky so minimizing this risk by ensuring I have the proper resources, funding, team and a solid foundation are key elements to success.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos
“My “why” was raging strong – I wanted to share what I felt and witnessed with others since it was so life changing for me and many people around me. I also knew multiple successful locations would be what it took to make the leap away from the corporate environment. I didn’t know for sure I could do more until I knew I could do one really well. I’m excited to share Burn with another community.” Tina Hegna

Why Burn?
“It’s a platform to help others, create opportunities and fulfill my entrepreneurial ambitions. Burn Boot Camp changed my life and paying it forward to others connects my work to a greater purpose.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos
“This question is simple but heavy. I always wanted to be an entrepreneur but never stuck a landing on what that business would be. However, I knew the elements of what that looked like and I knew my why – I just didn’t have the how or the what yet. Further, I had always thought I would need to create something new. The more I learned about Burn, the more I realized that THIS is how I deliver my why. I didn’t have to create it from scratch – why would I recreate the wheel?!?! As I was unlocking the strongest version of myself I had ever known (physically, mentally, emotionally), I was also seeing this in the lives around me. I felt compelled to share this with the world, join the Burn mission and impact one community at a time.” Tina Hegna
What advice would you give those who are thinking about leaving corporate to become their own business owner?
“Do your homework. You will never be fully prepared for the journey, but with a good plan, support system and drive to succeed, you can better chart your own course.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos
“KNOW. YOUR. WHY. In the toughest times, you MUST remember why you started. When there is a fire in your soul for your why, you always find a way. ” Tina Hegna
What are your goals for your location (and it’s members)?
“Sustainable growth. Business: Creating a solid foundation of processes, top talent and a strong culture for future growth. Members: Educating and creating confidence for our members to adopt life-long habits for continued success.” Chelsea Theodoropoulos

“Burn is the members’ happy place, their safe place, their other home, their other family. It’s where they come to be themselves, but also to push themselves and be the best version of themselves when they are outside of those four walls. To always feel inspired and empowered on a life long journey of growth, and along the way to feel happy, confident and beautiful inside and out. That they, too, can chase their dreams and conquer the world – no matter how big or small they want that impact to be.” Tina Hegna
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