The Woman In Pink*

Pretty In Pink

Burn Boot Camp is kicking off Breast Cancer Awareness month by sharing the inspirational stories of survivors and those affected by this disease. Our objective is to share empowerment all month long!

Owners of Burn Boot Camp Greater Gaston, Raegon Falk and Tymphany Edwards introduce the ladies behind The Woman In Pink. The Woman In Pink is a nonprofit wig boutique. Women diagnosed with cancer receive a wig of her choice, a wig cap and a wig stand.

Additionally, they service all women with cancers, where they help build confidence through their clients. They have been spreading hope and love for 2 years and have given over 200 wigs to women all over North Carolina.

Heroic Effort

Kim Beverly, an owner of The Woman In Pink, created the boutique after her second diagnosis with Breast Cancer. She feared losing her hair again, so she made it her mission to feel confident during treatments.

Kim and her sisters, Paige and Deborah, have decorated the boutique in Pink to honor victims of Breast Cancer. Their efforts help women everywhere feel confident through their treatments.

In addition to their wigs, they have a store where accessories can be bought so you can rep The Woman In Pink. All proceeds go to the organization, along with any proceeds made online!

Courageous Steps

These women inspire us because they inspire others! We hope you can spread love every day this month.



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