As 2017 approaches, it’s time for you to start being honest with yourself. If you are overweight or have unwanted body fat, I can guarantee the problem isn’t genetics or predisposition. As a fitness and nutrition expert who specializes in practical psychology, I have the answer for you, with one simple lemon water trick.
First, let me start by explaining something. I am not simply a “motivational speaker” who is all about positive thinking. As the famous Tony Robbins says, I will not ask you to sit in the garden and tell yourself “there are no weeds, no weeds, no weeds.” Negative crap is going to happen to you, but what you should be focusing on is what you feel and how you feel. The answer to those two questions will drive your actions.
If you have an issue with your weight or have a body composition that doesn’t meet your standards, start by identifying the problem. Too often we make up stories as to why we are unhappy with our body in order to avoid the scary reality of truly addressing the problem.
For example, an overweight person may say, “I am big boned” or “my parents were overweight,” but those are just excuses. The first step to correcting the problem is to identify the issue itself.
If you have a body fat problem or a weight loss problem, there is a solution! Problems are simply questions that do not have an answer yet. There is so much hope and I am going to help you change your life right now.
Most of us live an extremely acidic state internally, and this tends to cause a majority of weight and body fat issues that people deal with on a daily basis. Additionally, energy is correlated with the alkaline balance within your body. When you find the perfect balance of alkalinity, your energy typically increases.
Acidity = Sugar Overload = Rapid Aging = Lower Energy = Inactivity = Less Muscle = Higher Body Fat
I am going to help you combat the acidity build up in your body to transition you into a more balanced alkaline state. All it takes is one simple lemon water trick. By taking immediate action and picking up the following ingredients from the store, you can look forward to renewing energy and balance within your body.
While there are several foods that can help you build alkalinity, such as avocado, coconut, limes, asparagus, and brussels sprouts, perhaps the easiest quick fix is drinking at least half of your body weight in ounces of lemon water each day!
Most of the foods you eat on a day-to-day basis are highly acidic, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing! The problem is that most foods never have an alkaline counterpart to help you maintain your PH balance. Most popular proteins are acidic, but necessary in building lean muscle mass. I am not suggesting removing all acidity from your body, but rather encouraging you to create a healthier lifestyle by becoming balanced internally.
Each time you consume a portion of protein, eat an equal serving of asparagus or another food high in alkaline properties. My lemon water trick is an easy way constantly feed your body alkalinity to combat the build up acidity and stay hydrated.
All disease, viruses, and bacteria thrive in acidic environments. These are also the microorganisms that continually drain your energy by consuming your nutrients necessary to thrive and feel your best. You can control the health of your body and your vulnerability to sickness and disease by maintaining a constant alkaline state. When sickens has nothing to feed off of, hazardous cells will not survive.
Here is what you can do to test your PH levels:
Use this at home testing kit I found online for you. For most accurate results, see your doctor to have blood drawn and tested. Your PH balance should live at 7.36 for ideal health in your ability.
My mission in life is to move you to action through understanding why we make positive and negative decisions. Every single decision that you make helps you achieve one of two things: pleasure or pain. Why do people continually eat overloads of sugar? Many people link overeating to the relaxed feeling they get after binge eating.
Have you ever had something that you LOVED until something dramatic happened that made you think of it in a negative light? You may have spent a night drinking with friends and had too much Captain and Coke, and by the end it was making you feel sick and lethargic. Were you so uncomfortable that you never wanted to drink again? Sound familiar? You now have negative feelings linked to this particular food and your association causes you to be appalled by it.
If I told you that every time you put processed sugar in your mouth it moved you 2 days closer to death? What if I told you that because of processed sugar, your children would have less time with you on the earth? Would you still eat sugar everyday?
Harsh I know, but it will take a dramatic retraining of your brain to think negative thoughts about what once made you happy. Re-association will result in your redefinition. Are you ready? Try this lemon water trick and watch how it changes your life.