Valentine’s Day is only four days away and you know what that means… every grocery store aisle is overflowing with chocolate and candy. Snickers, Twixx, ice cream, Oreos, chocolate covered cherries, Lindt truffles – all of the ultimate sweet-tooth temptresses are right there staring you down as you unwillingly push yourself past them. We decided to provide all of you with a sweet treat that is decadent, delicious and actually very healthy. The ingredients for our ‘Chocolate Amaretto Mousse’ are Burn Nutrition approved and fit in with your clean eating guidelines. So cozy up with your loved ones, put on your go-to romantic comedy or chick-flick and enjoy a Valentine’s Day dessert that won’t leave you with any guilt!
1 large avocado
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons of pure maple syrup
1/4 cup of coconut milk
1/4 teaspoon amaretto extract
chopped Almonds
Place avocado, cocoa powder, maple syrup, coconut milk, and amaretto into a large blender. Puree until completely smooth. The mousse will be a creamy, pudding like consistency. If it’s too thick, feel free to add more coconut milk to get it at the consistency you desire. Separate the mousse into bowls and top with raspberries and chopped almonds. Serves 2-4 people. Enjoy!
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