Introducing the Erin Morey Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story! I have had the pleasure of training Erin and watching her transform before my eyes. She is one of most dedicated people I know and rarely misses her training sessions with me. Erin proves that lifting heavy weight will get you to the lean physique you desire! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration in and out of camp. Together, Erin and I (and Kyle Lane) will continue to kill it! -Trainer Devan Kline
Checkout the Erin Morey Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story in her own words below. You’ll love reading how you can eat MORE food and still lose weight through a “clean” or whole food nutrition plan:

“I had to change my way of thinking. I had been terrified of gaining weight and was eating very little. But with our
nutrition meetings Devan assured me that everything would be OK by eating clean and more often. He was right! I
actually lost weight eating more. In addition to losing weight, my body fat went down 3%. My shape has been completely transformed.
At a recent doctors visit my blood work results came back with all normal levels, several
had been elevated and needed to come down. With eating clean and attending boot camp I’m back in line! Never in my life would I have imagined I would be a runner. I’m running! I ran my first 5k in October and after a couple months break from running to rest my sprained ankles, I ran a 4-mile race on Super Bowl Sunday.
I haven’t looked, or more importantly felt, better in my life!”