Get Killer Quads With These 3 Moves - Burn Boot Camp
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Get Killer Quads With These 3 Moves

June 29, 2016

Be LEGendary – and have Killer Quads

That’s what we aim to be here at Burn Boot Camp every time we train lower body. Hamstrings and Glutes are great, but most of the definition in toned legs comes from quads. It’s important to train quads like you would any other muscle group because they are such a big muscle.

Fitness expert, Ashely Beasley, shows us some of her favorite moves to get killer quads – QUICK! You can mod up or down with these exercises, but still working those quads regardless.

The moves:

Squats: There are many variations of squats. Ashley shows us how to add weight safely to our front squat while maintaining great form.

Lunges: These target quads, hamstrings and glutes. To mod up, add the plyometric jump! You’ll thank yourself later.

Wall Sit: This exercises is commonly underestimated. Ashley “BEAST”ley shows us how to train up while doing a wall sit on a bosu ball and adding weight. #beastmode.

These are awesome moves that we like to do here at Burn Boot Camp to build our quads. Be sure to test your limits next time you’re at camp!

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