The Jen Fisher Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story is going to blow you away! Attention Moms of 3 – You CAN do this, you have to believe it! I am so excited to share this with you today! She will inspire thousands by the journey that led her 50 lb weight loss and 22 total inches.
Read the full Jen Fisher Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story here!

I started at BBC just over two years ago, when my second child was six months old. I have always run and played sports, but I had gotten to the point where I was not losing any more “post-baby” weight and I was looking for a change in routine. I am not a person that likes to sign contracts of any sort…I’ve never been a gym member. So, I signed up with an amazon local deal, assuming I’d do my 30 days and then move on. I was so nervous that first day, not knowing anybody or what bootcamp actually entailed. I was happily surprised to meet so many women that were welcoming and supportive. Not to mention Devan-he was also extremely encouraging! Those first two weeks were difficult. It was hard to walk, hard to move, hard to do anything. But, I also noticed I had a higher energy level than before I started BBC. I was starting to feel better about myself. I was also starting to make a new group of friends with like-minded goals. Needless to say, when my 30 days were completed, I did not hesitate to sign up for bootcamp. I was feeling better, mentally and physically, and was completely addicted!
Less than six months after joining, I found out that I was expecting baby number three. Devan and all of the BBC trainers worked with me to make sure that I could continue working out, right up until a few days before I gave birth. Post-pregnancy, Devan told me to let him know when I was “ready” to take my training to the next level. I had the physical part of bootcamp down-I was attending at least 5 days a week, always giving it my best effort. However, after camp I’d go home and eat whatever I wanted. I was maintaining my weight, but was not losing any pounds or inches. Finally, on February 21, 2014, I decided that I was mentally ready to change the way I was eating. I hadn’t lost any weight since 6 weeks after giving birth, and I was not making any progress at losing inches, either. I came to find out, Devan was right and “you can’t out train your diet”…I guess I should have listened the first few times he said that! I made small changes at first, and noticed such a big difference in the way that I felt (in a good way) that I went all in and changed to a whole foods diet. Devan, Morgan, Lindsay (and the other trainers) were very supportive in giving suggestions to make small changes that eventually led to a whole foods diet. Since eliminating processed foods my energy levels are higher than ever before. I have lost 45 pounds, 22 inches, and lowered my body fat by 10%; I went from a size 14 to a size 4. More importantly, I feel stronger, I am happier, and I am excited that my children are eating healthier and seeing what a difference that makes for our family. I never thought I could lose that much weight, and quite frankly, I thought Devan was crazy when he suggested it. I’m so thankful that Devan believed in me when I did not, and also for the other trainers that pushed me every day that I was in camp (and continue to do so!). I’m also thankful for the friends that I have made at camp-the accountability of seeing the same people every day, and having those people push you to do your best, is amazing. I love Burn Boot Camp and joining was the best thing I could have done for myself, and for my family. I can’t thank my BBC family enough!