Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story - Burn Boot Camp
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Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story

February 27, 2015

We are so excited to share the Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story with you today! Kat has been part of the BBC family for almost a year now and the strength and commitment she has shown to her health and fitness has been amazing! Trainers Beth Williams & Morgan Kline couldn’t be more proud to be your trainer!!

Check out the Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story in her own words:

“Before joining BBC I was a member of a local gym and would try and get there 2-4 times a week. I would do a couple of classes and also work out on my own. I enjoyed the classes but didn’t really feel like I worked up a full sweat and when I worked out solo on the machines, I never really pushed myself…..it was more going

Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story
Kat Eide Burn Bootcamp Cornelius Weight Loss Story

through the motions so I could check ‘gym’ off my list for the day. I never really loved my exercise routine and didn’t feel very satisfied that I did my best work. My fitness goals have always been to tone up and get stronger and this wasn’t happening.

Feeling pretty unfulfilled with my exercising habits, a friend suggested I buy the BBC Groupon with her. So we did. Symbolically it was for January – a new year with a new regime equals a new me I had hoped! AND amazingly it happened. I was hooked!

I realized quickly during these 45 minute classes that I enjoyed pushing myself to work really hard, I felt invigorated and was loving the results. BBC became more of a daily addiction that I didn’t want to miss out on.

The BBC atmosphere reminds me of the “Cheers” show; – we are all different shapes and sizes yet there is no judgment from the members’ only support; the trainers know you by name (which I LOVE) and ultimately everyone has similar goals.

I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to maintain such daily rigorous workouts and still enjoy “pushing my body to its limit” workouts but now I’ve been doing BBC consistently for 8 months now and I still love it. Each day is different with new challenges and new exercises. My addiction is such that on the rare occasion I find myself going to the 5:30am workouts which I’ve NEVER done in my life!

Joining BBC has truly been great for me. I honestly feel great and I love that I have muscle definition and that I am so much stronger and toned. I also love being part of Devan Kline’s emails. I really enjoy reading his supportive comments and helpful insights into healthy living. Thank you Morgan and Beth and BBC in general!!”

Ready to start your transformation story NOW??  Click >>HERE<< to find out how you can start your 14-DAY TEST DRIVE for FREE!!!

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