My Best 14 Paleo Snack Foods - Burn Boot Camp
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My Best 14 Paleo Snack Foods

January 23, 2013

If you have been a follower and friend for quite some time then you should already know that I believe paleo is the cleanest form of eating. Now, I am not one of those “be all end all” trainers when it comes to this topic. I believe that starting a  paleo diet TODAY is only for a particular type of person, and you may not be there yet. But it is no surprise that your nutrition is the key you building the lean, toned body you want. But incase you are interested in giving paleo a shot, I would like give you 15 Simple Paleo Snacks to get started!

My Top 15 Paleo Snack Foods


1. Banana with Raw Almond Butter – This is a go-to! Think you are hungry? Have a nice big banana and load it with some RAW creamy almond butter. Great filler and keeps the paleo train full steam ahead!

2. Plain Avocado – Good fats are ALWAYS a great snack. This is an excellent and quick pre-workout snack that will give you tons of energy.

3. Hawaiian Berry Mix – Cut pineapples up into cubes and place at the bottom of the bowl. Throw blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries on top. Make a big bowl! When you get through with the berries the pineapple is infused with the various berry juices! SO GOOD!

4. Egg Whites – Sometimes all you need is some pure protein to satisfy you!

5. Egg White/Avocado/Salsa – Mix all parts even…make a big bowl so you can have it for a couple of days!

6. Apple with Raw Almond Butter – Make sure the Almond Butter is raw! Roasted almonds have more sodium and less nutritional value.

7. Grilled Chicken with Raw Honey – Who says we can’t have an adult version of a Happy Meal?

8. Protein Balls – These are supposed to be a HEALTHY snack so don’t poison it with bad protein powder! Make sure you know what you are putting in your body. If you see the word “Sucrolose” or “Neotame” throw it in the trash!

9. Shaklee 180 Snack Bar One of the MUST HAVES in your snacking regiment! Powered with the Amino Acid Leucine Shaklee 180 bars are perfect for building lean muscle and keeping you full!

10. Pumpkin Spice Muffins – You don’t have to be in the fall spirit to enjoy these! REALLY, REALLY good one if you have time to prepare it!

11. Kale Chips – A Tasty way to get your veggies in. I do not recommend baking with lemon juice though!

12. Sweet Potato Fries – Especially great right after a workout! The chemical components of sweet potatoes make this tuber a great post-workout snack!

13. Quick and Easy Cabob- Easy one cut shrimp, avocado, and zucchini into small pieces. Get toothpicks and stab a shrimp, avocado, and zucchini…a quick little version of paleo sushi and tastes wonderful! Use any vegetable that you like.

14. Raw Nut Mix – Almonds, cashews, walnuts – through in some organic dried cranberries or blueberries!

Some of these are my own creation and some  I have linked you recipes to other helpful nutrition blogs that I follow. Feel free to share this with your family and friends! Eating healthy isn’t so bad when you have good food to eat. Eat to fuel your body and not for pleasure. Learning to do this will change your life forever!



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