Nicole Cote Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story. In just 1 year Nicole was able to get fit and improve her 5k time without a single “training” run. She looks fit, toned and ready to take on any challenge! Congratulations Nicole!
Read the Nicole Cote Burn Bootcamp Huntersville Weight Loss Story here in her own words!

“This week marks one year since I started BBC, and I’m so happy with how much progress I’ve made. In April of 2013, I ran my first 5k, at the insistence of one of my friends. I am not a runner, never will be. I hated almost every minute of the three months that I trained for it.
But I remember feeling really good about myself as I got dressed for the race last April. I remember checking myself out in the mirror, in my race outfit, thinking “damn, I look pretty good……I’ve been running…..I look good.”
So, I ran the race and was still feeling good, feeling proud of myself for running….and then I saw the pictures of me. I did not look good, I looked fat. I had fooled myself into thinking that I looked good, or I was just oblivious, not sure which.
As I drove back from the beach last year, I called my husband and said, “babe, I am fat. I’ve got to do something. I’m going to check out that Burn Boot Camp place this week, because I am not ok with the way I look.”
And I started at BBC that week. Not going to lie, it was tough. And I was sooooo sore that first few weeks, with just working out 3 days a week. But I knew that if I stuck with it, it would work.
Fast forward to this year’s race. I didn’t do a single training run (other than any runs we did at BBC). My friend was injured so I wasn’t worried about “beating” her time this year. I figured that I would just go this year, and if I could run the whole thing, great, but, if not, no big deal.
I am pleased to report that I ran the whole thing and ended up beating my last year’s chip time by 1 minute and 31 seconds. Not too shabby. And the pictures from the race? Well, you can see the difference between 2013 and 2014 in the picture.
I just want to thank Devan Kline for the awesome program at BBC. This great group of trainers push us in just the right way to do our very best, and for that, I am very thankful!”
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