I want to talk to you about the importance of valid information when it comes to workouts.
Much of our time is spent connected to the internet in some way, shape, or form. With the advancements that have been made in technology, it is easier than ever to search information on any subject we desire. We are connecting through out computer, cell phone, and now even our watch. Who would have imagined that we would be able to do the things we can on the devices we hold so dear to us? However, is the the internet the best place to search for information?
The Internet is not always right. Not everything that is put on the internet is accurate. You are probably wonder why you are reading this in a blog that’s related to exercise, well let me tell you why.
Some of the things that has made its way to the World Wide Web are Work Out Programs, Nutrition Plans, & Fitness Tips. It is great that everyone is trying to help each other, however the majority of fitness related topics on the internet are not accurate. Even worse, there is no one to police this information.
But now you can!
Trust Your Trainer Not Google, when it comes to anything related to Fitness and Nutrition. Searching google is easy, convenient, and you don’t have to be embarrassed to ask questions. The majority of the content online is written by people who are not qualified to be writing about the topics they are.
At Burn Boot Camp our trainers are held to the highest qualifications in the business. All of the trainers are Educated, Certified, and Experienced before they come on board with Burn Boot Camp. Then we are trained some more and molded into the BEST TRAINERS in the business.
The Internet Is Not Always Wrong. There is good information out there, but how do you know what is wright or wrong. Let me tell you!
Ask Your Trainer. My first recommendation when you are looking for Fitness info is Always Ask Your Trainer. That’s what I am here for. I love nothing more than when someone comes to me and ask me for advice about anything related to fitness. Even if its to find out what sites are good sites to turn to for information. I have been in this industry for a while, and my first priority to help you meet your goals.
- Check Out Our Blog. I guarantee if you check out our blog you will find the answers that you are looking for and you just might learn something new. Check our blog!
- Check Out Burn TV. Did you know that Burn Boot Camp has its on YouTube Channel? On this channel you can find anything you would need in relation to fitness. We have workouts you can follow along with, ways to meal prep, and much much more. Educate Yourself With Some Burn TV!
- Check The Sources. If you are going to research your fitness related topics online, make sure to check your sources. One thing I always check is, who wrote the article, and I check their qualifications. Yes, I Google the person who wrote the article to find out as much about them as possible, and if they are not a credible author, I toss it out the window. Remember quality over quantity.
I want to challenge you to follow these steps so you are getting the right information. Burn Boot Camp is more than just a gym for you to come sweat out some calories. Burn Boot Camp is your one stop shop for anything you would ever need fitness related. We provide all the tools you would ever need to crush your fitness goals and set new ones to crush.
Make Sure To Get Better Every Day!
Mike Hazel
P.S. If you have any questions for me regarding, fitness, nutrition, or anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask. It is what I am here for. You can reach me at my email at [email protected].