What other people think about you has nothing to do with you at all. What they think of you isreally justa reflection of what they think of themselves. In most cases, people don’t like other people because they pull insecurities out in themselves, which makes them defensive.
You need to understand that the negative comments or rude actions towards you are triggered from thoughts they feel about themselves. They are projecting their insecurities onto you, and their insecurities should not be your problem, and most definitely should not take away from your happiness.
The version of you they have created in their minds is not your responsibility, because the version they have created of you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. This means you need to stop caring what others think about you.
Ask yourself, are you overly concerned about what others think about you? Do you try to dress to impress? Do you try to live up to someone else’s standards? Do you act a certain way to try to fit in? Does what others think about youcauseyou to worry, or feel anxious or stressed?
If so, in this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, I’m here to tell you five reasons why you need to stop caring what people think about you.
Up Next:
Six Ways Your Friends Influence You
Find more from me:
Instagram: @morgan.a.kline
Facebook: @coffee&kettlebells
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Thank you, Morgan! Positive thoughts about yourself always make a person much more confident! The worry that you talked about today leads to bullying and other negative thoughts. Thank you for having this podcast to present each and every listener in a positive light and encouraging them to shine with their individual talents.